8 Ekim 2009

INCB mission to Malta

An INCB mission visited Malta from 5 to 7 October 2009. The mission was carried out by the President of the International Narcotics Control Board, Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy, accompanied by Ms. Midori Kanda, Drug Control Officer of the INCB Secretariat.
The mission met with senior competent authorities in the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment and the Malta National Laboratory. The mission also visited the Freeport Zone at Kalafrana in Malta and drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation facilities in the country. The objective of the mission was to discuss the implementation of the international drug control conventions and cooperation with INCB. Discussions focused on reporting obligations under the international drug control treaties as well as legislative and administrative measures to address the situation of trafficking in drugs and their precursors. The availability of opiates for medical needs was also discussed.
The findings of the mission will be reviewed by the Board and will be reflected in the 2009 INCB Annual Report, to be published in early 2010.