14 Aralık 2009

Morocco arrests alleged drug traffickers, reports cannabis decline

2009-12-14 Moroccan security services dismantled a cannabis-trafficking network in the Ketama region, arresting six suspects from the town of Issaguen, MAP reported on Sunday (December 13th).
In related news, the Interior Ministry on Friday said that land used for cannabis cultivation in Morocco fell from some 134,000 hectares in 2003 to only 56,000 in 2009, MAP reported. Also on Friday, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) commended Morocco's "strong political will" in the fight against narcotics trafficking. Speaking to the press after meeting with government officials in Rabat, INCB President Sevil Atasoy saluted Moroccan drug control policy-makers for their "honesty, openness and transparency".
This content was commissioned for Magharebia.com.